View of Davis Library around 11 AM Friday 11.7.14 |
Over the last few years, a game-like approach has been used
for this exercise with search tasks being presented through story and
puzzle-solving activities. To find out if this methodology makes the learning
experience more fun and memorable for our students,
we’re seeking feedback from
those individuals who finished the exercise this semester—Fall 2014.
First Year Students—We Need Your Feedback!
Are you a first year student? Did you complete Davis
Library’s “Comic-Quest” New Student Orientation Activity for your LA100 Gateway
to Success class this semester? If so, could you please take a moment to tell
us what you think of that exercise?
Davis Library's "Comic-Quest" New Student Orientation Activity |
Use the link below to complete our brief survey. It’ll
only take a minute or two and the information provided will help us serve you, your
classmates and future Rio Grande students better.
We’re hopeful that you’re enjoying your first year experience
here at Rio. Your time and feedback are much appreciated…
Thank You!
Have any questions? Please feel free to "Ask Us!"
Cartoons & Comics Related Book Display @ Davis Library |